Saturday, August 30, 2008

Future Dapplegray Colts

One of our neighbors, The Litchfeild's had the most wonderful back to school party. It was to get all the kids excited about going back to school, complete with a pinata stuffed with school supplies. Piper and Polly thought it was the most wonderful party and had so much fun. Piper hung out with the big girls chasing chickens and bobbing for apples. Polly found her fun inside playing with all the toys and loved pin the tail on the colt. Hap was happy just being carried around and watching all the fun in our arms.

Pageant of the Masters

Nichole and Dave, invited Dara and I, to go to The Pageant of the Masters with them. Seriously, I was blown away, it far exceeded my expectations and everything I have heard about it.

What is the Pageant of the Masters you may ask?
Ninety minutes of "living pictures" - incredibly faithful art re-creations of classical and contemporary works with real people posing to look exactly like their counterparts in the original pieces. An outdoor amphitheater, professional orchestra, original score, live narration, intricate sets, sophisticated lighting, expert staff, and hundreds of dedicated volunteers have won recognition for the Pageant as the best presentation of its kind.

I can't wait to go again next year!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sarah and Betsy Arrive

Today, Great Mimi Sharretts sent the girls colonial dolls. She was in Willamsburg, VA for her 80th birthday and picked there up for the girls. Betsy and Sarah have come everywhere with us and are always present when Piper and Polly are around.

Harrison in his overalls

Harrison debuted his brand new overalls yesterday. Actually, they aren't exactly brand new. These were worn first by his Australian cousins...Andrew, Ben & Max. He has an entire wardrobe of his cousin's hand-me-downs that he'll be showcasing in photos to come. At the rate his long legs are getting longer by the day, we'll have to be quick otherwise he'll outgrow them before he gets a chance to wear them. His days now are spent eating, crawling, standing up, and playing with his adoring sisters.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Soon there will be a frame!

Here is a picture of the back of the house. This week they are getting ready to build the frame, now it will really start moving along (we hope).

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Rides on Annabell

Our sweet neighbors, the Haley's let Piper and Polly sit on there horse Annabell. The girls love visiting her and we especially happy to get to sit on her with Olivia.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dalanie's 21st Birthday;-)

Today, we spent a fun filled day at a wonderful pool with Dalanie and Ro. We got to celebrate Dalanie's birthday. The girls had tireless energy and Ro and Andrew took turns playing water monster. It was a beautiful day filled with lots of fun!

Hap's first Crush

Here is little Hap and Karlie, Karlie lives across from us on Dapplegray. We have assured Jen and Chris that we will have a state of the art security system, for when they are teenagers:-) While Hap flirted with Karlie, his sisters we off playing nursery with Karlie's big sisters, Jacquelyn, Jenna and Brooke.

Playtime in the Park

On Friday, we had a great play date at the park with Stella and Marin. It was such a fun afternoon for the girls.

Obon Festival

We decided, thanks to Ro, to go to the Obon Buddhist Festival. The girls loved the dancing and costumes. Hap was happy to come along and hang out in his stroller.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Harrison is a BIG boy now

Here is a photo of little Harrison...actually BIG Harrison. His latest trick is pulling himself up and standing. Here he is having crawled over to the bath to see what his sisters are doing. He thinks he is pretty clever being able to stand up.