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Here are some more pictures of our first day at home. We are on day 3 now and things are going well, trying to figure out how to accommodate all our little ones. Today, Polly headed to work with Andrew, Piper was off to school where she had a great day and Harrison kept me busy here. Gigi and Grampy came up here to help too, as I have always said it takes a village. We are so lucky!

This outfit little Hudson is wearing is so special. It is the same outfit that Grampy wore home from the hospital and the same one Harrison wore home. It is now tradition and I just adore seeing him in it, so special! The top picture is Harrison, the bottom Hudson.

Here are some more pictures of Hudson meeting the family...
What an exciting day, the day little Hudson Timothy Power, comes into our world. Mommy began having contractions and wanted to keep busy. She picked up Piper early from school, so she could go check on Grampy who had just had surgery. We went and got him chicken noodle soup and the girls and Hap devoured it. Mommy called Daddy and asked him to come home from work. We headed to the hospital around 4:30. Poor Grampy, could not make it, he was still feeling under the weather (well I guess that is an understatement) because he would have done anything to be there. At 7:06 little Hudson was born, he was sunny side up, his head was pushing into my back (ouch). 3 pushes and there he was, what a miracle. This picture is of the fam right before we headed to the hospital.