Emily had to go out tonight, so it was my job to get all three to bed. Sometimes, that can be a fun task, dealing with the "just five more minute" requests, the " I don't want to go to bed" demand, and one of my favorites, the "I'm not tired" argument. Tonight was a little different though. At 6:35pm, Harrison fell asleep (with a thud) in his high chair. One down, two to go. At 6:50pm, sweet little Polly checked out. And at 6:55pm, Piper (the one who is always "not tired") decided she would fall asleep too. All three passed out by 7:00pm. I wonder why they are so tired? Well, Harrison has been skipping his naps, and getting up early. The girls too have been getting up before the birds. Hopefully they won't over compensate and wake up even earlier in the morning. Maybe little ones do need sleep...