Here is our happy little boy. He is still very happy and is really starting to get around. When you put him down he quickly makes his way across the floor. We are now picking up everything in his path.
Piper has been taking Jiu Jitsu classes, great for stranger danger. It is amazing what she is learning. The basic idea is to promote the principle that a smaller, weaker person using leverage and proper technique can successfully defend themselves against a bigger, stronger assailant. She really seems to be enjoying it and ask everyday if we can go.
My mom got these great pictures of Piper's eyes, you can really see the two different colors. Her little cheeks have a bit of wind burn after a long day at the beach.
Her is Polly in her new and improved Minnie Mouse outfit courtesy of Gigi and Grampy, you can only imagine her excitement as she saw her new digs! She was in desperate need of a new one (you have never seen anything quite as worn as her old one)and I think these colors really suit her.
Andrew and I had a night out while Gigi and Grampy watched the entire crew. We went to see my friend Sloane get married in Malibu. She is a friend from Penn State. It was wonderful that I got to catch up with my Penn State friends and see Kristin, Brady and Brad who flew in from NY. It was a beautiful evening from beginning to end. As you can see Sloane looked absolutely amazing!
Piper and Polly just finished their swim classes with Conrad. It is not for the mommies faint of heart, this includes me, but once I saw the results he had last year with Piper, I signed her up again and added Polly. His method consist of a series of dunks under water and the child's natural instinct to swim. By the end of the week both Piper and Polly went down 10 feet to pick up a toy at the bottom of the pool. Piper did it on her own and Conrad went down with Polly. You truly have to see it to believe it. Now we just have to keep practicing to make sure it sticks.
Today, I got to go with Piper on her school field trip. We went to Irvine to visit Tanaka Farms, a totally organic farm. The kids got to ride on tractors and then had 15 min in the fields to eat as many strawberry's as they could pick. Piper ate like I have never seen, she loved it. She was so full she did not touch her lunch. Hap got to go on his first field trip too. He tried his first veggie, (sorry Gigi) a sweet Maui onion. He sucked on it for quite some time. Zak had a great time too as you can tell by his face. The at the picnic table is of Zak, Piper and Aiden who take Jui Jit Su together, they we all quite happy with their strawberry fields experience.
What a wonderful low key day we all had. We took my mom to the cutest nail salon ever (Mani, Pedi, Cutie where Piper and Polly got their nails done). We had a great time sipping on Mimosa's. Then we went to Good Stuff at the beach and had a yummy lunch. The girls made me a set of plates, Joey, Lollie and Hap even made one for me. They are true treasures and I will be using them with pride!
Piper's school hosted an international festival where the children sang and danced. The highlight for me was the fan dance that the girls did. It was really cute. Piper's class studied China. Polly loved watching her big sis perform. It was such a beautiful day and one I will not soon forget!
Since we have been living here, Piper has said all she wanted for her birthday was to ride a horse on the trails behind our house. Yesterday, her dream came true! One of our neighbors takes people on trail rides with her horses. Piper was so excited, it was all she could talk about. Poor Polly was too small and quite devastated that she too was not going! The ride ended back at Betty' house where Piper got to feed the horse, some goats, a goose and loved every second!
Piper got her first mani/ pedi for her birthday. I am not sure if Piper or Polly was more excited. This adorable little place just opened in Hermosa that specializes in girls, they have everything set up perfectly for them It was such a treat, even Andre could not believe how great it was.
Hap has been my little monkey now for 6 months. I call him my monkey because he is constantly attached to me (not that I mind). He is just so sweet, with his little smiles, noises and personality. He loves putting everything as you can see, even his feet! We just tried some rice cereal, he really seems to like it. Oh how the time has flown by!